6, Aug 2024
Definition, Types, Benefits, and How to Make It

Before building a business, we need to make a plan regarding the type of business, strategy and goals we want to achieve. A business that runs without careful planning and does not have definite goals will lose direction.

Business plan or business plan is a document related to a business which contains reasons, objectives, marketing strategies and finances which can be your guide in running the business.

Apart from being a company guideline, a business plan can also be used to attract investors to invest. This is because a business plan can describe whether the business is viable and can grow to face future challenges.

Types of Business Plans

Operation Business Plan

This type of business plan is created for the company internally. It contains plans and policies regarding company operations, including the responsibilities of each person in the company. The Operation Business Plan is also a reference for the implementation and deadlines of the company’s business operations in the future.

Growth Business Plan

The Growth Business Plan explains the company’s future business growth. This business plan can be used by internal and external parties, generally used to attract investors.

Development Business Plan

Development Business Plan is a type of business plan that can be used by internal and external parties. It contains business administration, company organization, and the responsibilities of each employee.
Start Up Business Plan
As the name suggests, Start Up Business Plan explains about establishing a start-up. This business plan includes offering goods and services to consumers, market evaluation, marketing structure, risk management, and other management structures.
Strategic Business Plan

This type of business plan explains the company’s goals in more detail. In general, it includes the company’s vision and mission, critical factors, strategies for achieving goals, and a schedule for implementing these strategies.

Benefits of a Business Plan

Can be used to attract investors

One of the main functions of a business plan is to attract investors. A good business plan can attract investors to convince investors to work together in your business.

Facilitates business development and decision making

In the business plan there is a detailed description of the business you are running. This can be a guide for you to develop your business in accordance with company goals. Apart from that, you can also make the right decisions by referring to business planning.

Make the business structure clearer

Business structure can help companies to achieve goals and avoid corporate conflicts. The business structure includes employee descriptions, authority and responsibilities carried out by the company structure.

How to Make a Business Plan

Quoting from the page Entrepreneurhere is how to make it Business Plan:

Title and content

A business plan must include the company logo, business name, company name, address, telephone number, email and website addresses, and dates. Make sure all components are arranged professionally and easy to read.

Business plan summary

The business plan summary includes the desires to be achieved in the business. Provide a clear, detailed overview of your business in a nutshell.

Product description

Contains descriptions of products marketed by the company. Not only do you describe the advantages of your product, you also need to explain how people use your product, as well as business success factors.

Market analysis

Creating a business, market analysis is something that must be done. From here, you can determine the right price, distribution and promotional strategies for the company.

Management operations

Operations management includes organizational logistics, people in charge, division tasks, and capital requirements and costs associated with the business.

Financial plan

A financial plan is the most important thing in building a business. You must pay attention to the company’s income and expenses, assets owned, company balance sheet, and so on.

(Tamara Pramesti Adha Cahyani)

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